As we all know, the coronavirus is posing a challenge for people, healthcare systems and companies around the world, especially in those countries where the disease grows faster.

At Veggunn we will continue to provide our online sales services in a safe way for our employees, customers and partners.

We believe that in a moment like this, in which maintaining a good balance of health is essential to face the disease and the psychological consequences of confinement, we cannot fail you. We know that our supplements are very necessary in these circumstances, when the options for exercising and sunbathing may be very limited. Our commitment remains to help our customers maintaining a good nutritional balance as the basis for good physical and mental health.

Veggunn has always maintained the highest manufacturing standards and followed a proximity criteria, so this medical crisis has not caused us any health or supply problems.

In addition to these protocols we have added a continuity plan, in coordination with our partners, to continue the provision of services, as long as the freedom of movement of goods and other measures adopted by the different governments allow it.

This plan aims to minimize the risk of transmission among employees, customers and partners. It consists of the following:

  1. Veggunn office staff was already very used to teleworking and reducing their commuting, to limit their carbon footprint. Now, following the recommendations indicated by health agencies such as the World Health Organization.
  2. Warehouses already follow the guidelines and recommendations of international health authorities among staff, to protect themselves and goods.
  3. When it comes to moving products to your delivery locations, we will inevitably experience delays from our usual service levels. However, while some delays and interruptions are not entirely avoidable, we will continue to do our best to keep our operations running

Operator networks
As of 03/16/2020, most of our carrier networks are still operational and can provide delivery services as usual. However, most destinations report delays in regular delivery, for different reasons. All carriers regret these delays and we are working closely with our operating partners to try to minimize any disruption.

Operator networks will continue to be affected by restrictions imposed at international borders and local blocking measures.

We will continue informing through our platform in a normal way about the status of your shipments, as we receive updates, and in the event of specific interruptions from the operator to your services we will inform you by email. But if you have any urgent questions, please feel free to contact us at veggunn @ veggunn. com

IMPORTANT: Changes in Signature to Delivery services

Most countries and companies, in an effort to reduce transmission risks, are implementing a change in their policies regarding signatures and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). All services that previously provided a signature added value delivery service have made changes. Some carriers will suspend this service entirely, while others have implemented alternative methods, in which the delivery driver will sign by himself, with the permission of the recipients.

Post offices / PUDO / Service points
Depending on the local restrictions imposed, there will be different levels of impact in these places. Please note that in some countries these collection points will no longer be available, while other countries and operators are imposing reduced service with limited opening times.

We want this pandemic to be as mild as possible for everyone, especially our employees, customers, and partners.